The new Gaio Productions website is officially launched!
For nearly 20 years I’ve oriented my profession in web production and development around Now I’ve created Gaio Productions to host the growing breadth and depth of my experience in interactive media.
Why? A few reasons:
During the last few years, I’ve been reflecting on my participation in the internet industry, on why I initially became involved (a story I’ll share another time), where the internet is trending now, and where I want to go next. Simply said, I’m realizing how new and extraordinary dimensions of creative expression are emerging thru my imagination (beyond web, media, and technology production), and my central website needs to be free to change and represent new expressions as they emerge. Keep an eye on as it continues to evolve with my inspirations and revelations!
This new orientation of the “Gaio” web presence places all of my experience, expertise, and services in digital strategy and interactive media design at Gaio Productions, This change concentrates production activities in a singular place, allowing for services to focalize and expand with newly emerging trends in information technology and immersive media.
Over the next few months, I’ll be updating this website by adding many new additions to the portfolio, and making clarifications in services offerings. I’ll also continue to release blog posts rich with esoteric insights in areas such as transformative technology trends, evolutionary experience design, new perspectives in holistic health technology, and more …
As an entrepreneur, I’m also placing increasing attention toward the newly emerging Mythic Systems platform (which I’m super excited about)!
I have some big surprises in store! So stay up to date by joining the Michael Gaio newsletter.