It’s also significant for me as an experience designer, as I’ve been involved, over the past few years, in working with the Thrive team to co-produce a key and unique aspect of the website: the “Sector Navigator / Resource Tree”. The Sector Navigator is an interactive, multi-colored, 3-dimensional, Vector Equilibrium interface designed to allow people to navigate the 12 major sections of the website. The Vector Equilibrium geometry (also known as the VE, dymaxion, and cuboctahedron) is also a key topic of the film. The Resource Tree is an interactive interface for “drilling-down” into specific content of each major sector, and is designed with an organic, “fern frond” aesthetic. The Sector Navigator and the Resource tree operate as a single UI affordance on the Thrive website.
TIPS & TRICKS: There is a very little known user feature of the Thrive VE Sector Navigator (not posted in the instructions for use on the Thrive website), that is: you can use the keyboard to rotate the VE on 10 axes. The “q”-“w”, “a”-s”, “z”-“x”, “e”-“r”, “d”-“f”, and “c”-“v” keys will rotate the VE on axes that correspond to the 12 vertices of the VE geometry. The “t”-“u”, “g”-“j”, “b”-“m”, and “y”-“n” keys will rotate the VE on axes that correspond with orthogonal Cartesia space.
A special “mandala” version of the Thrive VE map I made:
Many years before being enrolled to create this Thrive Vector Equilibrium interface, I was first introduced to the VE geometry by Nassim Haramein (who happens to be in the Thrive film) while attending his presentation on unified field theory physics (and more) in San Rafael, California in 2001. At one point during the mind-blowing 12 hour presentation, I specifically recall Nassim making a general reference to the Vector Equilibrium geometry as an type of “very significant interface”. That’s all I needed to hear–as somehow, that moment of seeing the geometry of the Vector Equilibrium and hearing Nassim refer to it as a type of “interface” really caught my attention. After the presentation, I was so inspired by the notion of the Vector Equilibrium that I set out immediately to create it in an interactive, digital form. Then, and over the next 7 years (off and on), I experimented with representing the VE in various ways, with various purposes of information design and user experience design. One such way was by programming the 12 vertex points of the VE geometry (distributed in Cartesian space) to correspond to red, green, and blue color values–which allowed for a natural “rainbow coloring” of the overall VE space, and a specifically calibrated and unique color for each point / sphere of the VE interface. I posted an example of this on the front page of my personal website in 2007.
Then, later in 2007, during some of the initial planning conversations with the Thrive team, I introduced my VE examples, which included the general notion of color-coordinating the VE geometry in this way. And thus began our collaborative work of creating the Thrive VE Sector Navigator as the world is now seeing it today.
Also, as destiny would have it, in 2008, 7 years after being introduced to the Vector Equilibrium by Nassim Haramein, I would be synchronistically guided to visit the Resonance Project in Hawaii, where I showed Nassim the work I had done with the VE, and was then subsequently invited to become a member of the community project, and enrolled to create some special software based on the VE geometry.
The 3-dimensional “rainbow space” configuration, as I call it, also became an integral part of the design of my CogSpace project in 2009.
Over the last few years, I’ve also been creating some even more unique and compelling interface models based on the Vector Equilibrium geometry and “Rainbow Space”. Keep an eye on this blog, Mythic Systems, and and/or the Rainbow Space FaceBook page for updates very soon.
Dear Sirs
Thank you a lot for the video clip I have got from a fiend.
This is exacly the image I had (since 30? or more yers) and made me live some headeach since then. Now, you give me some explications for this. Not wrong knowing this.
I revised the german, spanish, original version of …
Very good to distibute this throughout more individuals.
May I ask you if I could use some pigtures from you in a public scene with people interested?
May this URL by Youtube?
Thank you for answer mi within short placed timespace.
André Dünner
Dear Sir
Thank you so much for your excellent job of editing such valuable information as shown in this video clip … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sYkAi04ojc … that I got sent by a friend.
For over 30 years I lived with a oppressive feeling, and only glimpsed what it could have been lying. Thanks to your work I now understand more how it all stemmed because you have given it a name.
Inwardly struggled somewhat against something that was hard to describe. With this information I now got clarity.
If you will allow me, if you are interested in to know more about my proposes of writig you, ask for these events I am motivated of. With pleasure I will give you more detailed information started in the foreseeable future with meetings of interested others.
So I ask you for permission to use this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sYkAi04ojc in connection with this projects.Possibly also using some of yours photos and/or graphics.
Give me answer in a short timespace, please
André Dünner
My postal address is
Sr. André Dünner
Sta. Rosalia 523 – Urb. Sta. Emma
Cercado de Lima
Lima – Perú
@mail andre.duenner@hotmail.com
Hello Andre,
Good to hear from you! Glad to hear that this Thrive Movement content has inspired you.
In actuality, I am not the owner of the content in the video or the images you see on my Blog (tho I did work with the Thrive team to produce the images and 3D interface on the Thrive website), so I am not authorized to allow permission to use the content. I would encourage you to contact the people at http://www.thrivemovement.com/ and ask their permissions. The contact page is here: http://www.thrivemovement.com/about_us#contact_us
Thank you! All the best!