Douglas Rushkoff drops the word at SXSW conference on programming reality:
“We are attempting to operate our society on obsolete code. … Legacy sytems to legacies we don’t even remember.
How much of this is the bias of the medium, and how much is it the biases of the people who program our technology for us? And how do we know which is which? How can we even tell them apart? What I believe is that we won’t know until we understand how our technolgies work, and how our technolgies work on us. I do believe that if you are not programmer, you are one of the programmed. It’s that simple.”
“We get text. … Instead of getting priests to read everything to us … we make our own words. We get the printing press. Instead of depending on a few scribes, now anyone can write. Now we get the computer, now anyone can program reality. Now that’s not what actually happened though.
We get the computer. Do we get a nation of programmers? No, we get a nation of bloggers. Now we have the great ability to write, but we don’t know how to program. We write in the box that Google gives us.
My issue is that at each stage, when we get a new medium, civilization seems to be one stage behind, one generation, one iteration behind the medium they are using. And an elite, maybe a new elite, learns to actually use the thing. … Programming is even bigger than the printing press. It’s as big as text. Text gave us Judaism. The printing press gave us Protestantism. What does this one give us?”
video link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imV3pPIUy1k
blog page link: http://blog.michaelgaio.com/2010/04/07/program-or-be-programmed/